I hope everyone's Wednesday is going well! Some exciting things going on this week: Michelle Obama is guest editing the iVillage website! She has posted some great back to school tips with her healthy eating and active life style spin. Today's article is about sitting down for family dinner, if the first family can do it, then we can. Find it here: http://www.ivillage.com/guest-editor-michelle-obama

How to start? Turn the TV off at dinner time, studies show that children consume 25% of their daily food intake infront of the TV! Focus on your family - when you engage in conversation, normally you end up eating less and learning something interesting about their day at school or work.
So maybe it's unpractical for every meal to be around the table, but make the changes where you can. Set a goal to have family dinner 3 times a week. Or maybe breakfast fits in your families schedule better?
The small, realistic changes are the ones that will stick! I'd love to know, what is your family having for dinner tonight?
Interested in some light reading? Here are my references:
RE, Hardman CA, Nicoll CE, Rogers PJ, & Brunstrom JM (2011).
Playing a computer game during lunch affects fullness, memory for lunch,
and later snack intake. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 93 (2), 308-13 PMID: 21147857
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